Best smoker grill combo

The Ultimate Guide to the Royal Gourmet CC2036F Charcoal Best smoker grill combo

Having the proper tools can make all the difference when it comes to mastering the art of grilling. The Royal Gourmet CC2036F Charcoal Best smoker grill combo with Offset Smoker is a game-changer for anyone who enjoy the smokey flavors of a delicious brisket or the perfectly charred perfection of a thick, juicy steak. This blog post is your go-to source for learning how to use and maximize the capabilities of this powerful grill, which is intended for serious BBQ fans and event coordinators looking to elevate their outdoor cuisine.

The Royal Gourmet CC2036F promises a pleasurable experience with every meal it helps prepare, making it more than just another piece of outdoor cooking equipment and the focal point of your backyard get-togethers. We’ll help you become more adept at using the grill and smoker combo so that your guests will be begging to come back for more, with an emphasis on its features, usage advice, customer reviews, and comparisons with other models.

Unveiling the Beast: Features and Specifications of Best smoker grill combo

Understanding the Anatomy

The Royal Gourmet CC2036F is really about adaptability. With 800 square inches of cooking area in the main chamber and an extra 400 square inches in the side smoker box, it has more than enough space to feed a large gathering, making it ideal for neighborhood block parties or family reunions. For the ideal flavor infusion in your meats, you have total control over the heat and smoke levels thanks to the sliding front door with a damper and the adjustable charcoal pan.

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Durable and Heat-Retentive Material

The Royal Gourmet CC2036F is made of heavy-gauge steel that is strong and long-lasting. Even heat distribution and retention are ensured by its sturdy construction, which is essential for reliable cooking outcomes. You can concentrate on the art of barbecuing without worrying about the mess afterward thanks to the porcelain-enameled grates’ rust resistance, non-stick surface, and ease of cleaning.

Precision Cooking

The main goal of this grill is to give you control over the cooking process. You can easily and quickly modify the height of the easy-lift charcoal pan, allowing you to change the distance between the meal and the charcoal. Its integrated temperature gauge allows you to check the heat without opening the lid, protecting your patience and the cooking environment.

Firing Up Flavor: Usage Tips and Best Practices

Seasoning the Smoker

Seasoning your meat is important, but so is seasoning your smoker. It entails putting a thin layer of cooking oil inside the smoker and setting it on fire for roughly two hours. This procedure helps your meats get the desired “seasoned” flavor while also keeping your food from absorbing any metallic or chemical flavors.

Mastering the Fire

The Royal Gourmet CC2036F allows you the option of using wood, charcoal, or a mixture. Don’t forget to stack your fuel to promote even burning and heat distribution. You may achieve this by either building a two-zone heat source in your grill or by using the minion approach.

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Monitoring the Smoke

Wood varieties yield a variety of smells and scents. It’s important to know when to add wood chunks to your charcoal to smoke. Make sure the wood burns cleanly and produces a thin, blue smoke that has a smokey flavor without being overly harsh.

Perfecting the Cook

It’s important to be organized with a barbecue this large. Make the most of the space on the grill by grilling various meats at various temperatures, making sure that every piece has the perfect cooking conditions. Pay careful attention to the integrated temperature gauge and make minor, thoughtful adjustments as necessary.

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In the Field of Flames: Comparison with Other Grills

Charcoal vs. Gas vs. Electric

While every kind of grill has advantages, nothing compares to the flavor of a charcoal grill. Gas or electric grills just can’t compare to the authentically smokey flavor and charred texture provided by the Royal Gourmet CC2036F.

Build Quality and Durability

In general, a charcoal barbecue is more robust and heavier than its gas or electric counterpart. This is further enhanced by the Royal Gourmet CC2036F, whose reinforced steel structure offers a strong base for many years of usage.


The main attraction of this grill is its dual purpose of smoking and grilling. It’s an affordable way to have both features without having to buy two different devices.

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Royal Gourmet CC2036F Charcoal Grill

Elevate your outdoor cooking with Royal Gourmet CC2036F Charcoal Grill. Offset smoker, 1200 square inches, perfect for large gatherings.

Grilling to a Conclusion

More than just a piece of equipment, the Royal Gourmet CC2036F Charcoal Grill with Offset Smoker is an investment in the joys of outdoor cooking. Its robustness, capacity, and variety will guarantee a great cooking experience whether you’re hosting a small family dinner or a huge celebration. The things that really make an event unforgettable aren’t simply what you cook; it’s also how you cook it and the moments you build around the barbecue.

The Royal Gourmet CC2036F is more than just a choice for those who want to boost their outdoor cooking game; it’s a partner in the quest for the ideal BBQ. When it comes to elevating the art of barbecue and opening up outdoor cooking to more people, this robust and adaptable grill and smoker set wins hands down.
Now ignite your smoker, season it, and get ready to enjoy the deliciousness of the Royal Gourmet CC2036F. This grill and smoker combo will definitely take your grilling to a whole new level, regardless of your experience level.

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